Dental Crowns in Guildford

Cosmetic Dentistry » Crowns

Crowns are a common dental restoration used for teeth that have been broken or damaged, have been weakened by decay or contain a very large filling. Crowns are made of tooth-coloured material and as well as making your tooth look better and more natural offer extra strength and protection to weakened teeth that would otherwise be prone to damage.

They are also commonly used after root canal treatment, and to improve the look of a tooth with a large, discoloured filling.

Farnham Road Dental Practice is a metal-free practice, meaning that all of our products are made entirely without metal. This includes our crowns, which are purely ceramic. Made entirely from reinforced porcelain, these crowns are strong and very natural in appearance because they are translucent, meaning there are no tell-tale black shadows at gum level.

If you need a crown, you will need two appointments, which are two weeks apart. You will be fitted with a temporary crown at the end of your first appointment to ensure you are never left with a gap in your mouth.

To have a crown fitted, your dentist will first prepare your tooth to make it into the ideal shape for attaching your crown. This is a painless procedure carried out under local anaesthetic, and should feel no different to having a filling. Most of the outer surface of the tooth is removed, leaving behind a strong inner core. Your crown will be made to the same thickness as the amount of tooth removed.

After your tooth has been shaped, your dentist will take an impression of the prepared tooth, as well as of your other jaw and to show how your teeth bite together. Your dentist will closely match the shade of ceramic used to your natural teeth and all of this information will be sent to the laboratory so that a dental technician can make up your crown. You will be fitted with a temporary crown while your permanent one is being made.

Once your permanent crown is ready, your dentist will check it fits correctly and that you are happy with it before affixing it to your tooth with special dental adhesive.

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