Teeth Whitening in Guildford

Cosmetic Dentistry » Teeth Whitening - Enlighten

Lots of patients dream of having whiter teeth. Tooth whitening is one of the quickest and easiest ways to boost your smile and with it your confidence, with treatment lasting on average just two weeks. That means it's the perfect way to give your smile a makeover in time for a special occasion such as a family gathering or an important business meeting.

Teeth whitening is the most common cosmetic dental procedure carried out in the UK. At Farnham Road Dental Practice we use the Enlighten home tooth whitening system, which is well trusted and has been used for 10 years. We are confident in the results and have never had an unhappy patient after this treatment. The Enlighten system is the only company that guarantees what shade teeth will be after two weeks, although we have never had to claim on the guarantee because none of our patients have ever been disappointed.

Even the best looked-after teeth can become stained over time. Certain foods and drinks such as coffee, tea and red wine cause staining of the teeth, while habits such as smoking and certain prescription medications and medicated mouthwashes can also cause stains. There are now many tooth whitening products on the market, but we would always recommend treatment under supervision of a dentist, as this is the only safe method and has been proven to produce the best and most long-lasting results. Over-the-counter treatments can increase sensitivity and even damage your teeth, while the Enlighten method is tried, tested and safe. It comes with a desensitising gel to help avoid any issues with sensitivity.

The Enlighten tooth whitening system works by using bespoke tooth whitening trays and gel to gradually improve the shade of your teeth. You wear the trays overnight or for a few hours during the day for two to three weeks, with a guaranteed B1 shade at the end of treatment. To maintain your new shade of whiteness you should wear the trays with the gel for one to two nights every three to four months.

To learn more about tooth whitening with Enlighten, contact the practice today.

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